I love making sweet potato crisps as it’s an all time favourite in my family. I have been making them ever since I started weaning my son and it was then I discover how good sweet potato is for you. There is not much needed to make them except an oven and a bit of patience.
One medium sweet potato (‘Beauregard’ variety with it’s vibrant orange flesh commonly found in supermarkets) washed, skin left on. I find the skin keeps the sweet potato together while cooking. As the sweet potato is thinly sliced one can hardly taste the after taste of the skin.
Pre heat the oven to 190 degree celcius fan assisted. Slice the sweet potato into thin slices about 2-3 mm using a kitchen knife. Spread them out thinly on a ovenproof dish I use Pyrex as they are easy to clean in the dishwasher and the flesh doesn’t tend to stick as much as the baking tray. Alternatively one can use an ovenproof non stick silicon baking mat or a grease proof baking sheet like baking parchment lay on top of a baking tray.
After about 20 minutes in the oven the sweet potato slices is starting to dry up. If you overlay like I did the top layer will begin to dry out. If you see it is starting to go brown take them out as this is sign of the sugar in the sweet potato caramelising. It will have a slight bitter after taste as it has got the skin on. If you see a soft sweet potato it is cooked but not at drying out stage yet. Before it turns brown while drying out it will have a white-ish dry ‘thinge’. For it to crisp up the sliced sweet potato has be a bit brownish and and white thinge stage. another tip to watch is they are slowly curling up into crisps.
I am pairing this with watermelon cubes, cherry tomatoes, my link on Tomato harvest todayTomato harvest today and homemade Fish Cake recipe