This is a blog post on growing and harvesting Mizuna greens. Mizuna greens are Japanese mustard greens. It is also known as Spider mustard. It has got distinctive rosette heads with dissected branches of leaves. There is also another version of Mizuna which has got strong and light mustard flavour called mibuna.
It is a ‘cut and come again’ crop where once the leaves are harvested it will grow back again. The seeds are easy to get hold and it’s easy to grow. They are very tolerant of wet and moist conditions. All the great news fo the British weather. The leaves have a nice mild taste which makes it good to use in salads and stir-fries.
Growing and Harvesting Mizuna
To start growing Mizuna, get hold of some seeds. Try to look for slow bolt variety if it is possible. I got mine from eBay and independent seed suppliers like Premier seeds Direct and Seekay Horticultural supplies. It is possible to start sowing the seeds as early as February under covers. Otherwise, just start sowing them in late March or once the risk of frost has passed. I sow mine under covers till the risk of frost has passed. It is possible to harvest the seeds until late August. Do sow regularly so as to have a constant supply of Mizuna. To grow them in spring and summer season grow them. Once germinated grow them in well-drain manure and moist soils. Do water regularly otherwise they go to bolt. Grow them in partial shade. Do give them space to grow.
Do protect them from slugs and snails plus flea bettle. Young seedlings are particularly susceptible. Water in nitrogen rich fertiliser like comfrey tea so that they outgrow flea bettle.
Harvest the leaves when they are ready regularly so as to have a constant supply. From seedling, it takes about 3 weeks. The plant will eventually start bolting that is why regular sowing is needed to maintain a constant supply. Mizuna taste best when they are freshly harvested.
Thank you very much for reading and dropping by. Do have a look at my other blog post like growing and harvesting pak choi.