This blog post is on growing and harvesting marigold. Marigold is easy to grow as an annual flowering plant. In the UK it would not survive come wintertime. Marigold flowers in small amounts it is edible. In my previous post, I have written a similar variety of marigold known as Tagetes minuta. I am growing marigold for its fresh flowers for use in fabric dyeing. It is more for that than rather than for eating.
Marigolds also make great companion plants in a vegetable garden. They are great to grow in between tomatoes and bean plants. It is also ideal for borders.

Growing and Harvesting Marigold
To grow a marigold one will need to grow it from seed. Sow it under covers around March to May under covers. Once the seedling emerges it possible to plant it outside once the risk of frost is over. In the early season, it will not grow much. Also, it needs protection from slugs. As slugs and snails love to feast on them. The seeds can last for a few years. I grew the Crackerjack variety which I got from Premier seed direct.
marigold plant marigold flowers
There are many marigold varieties to grow from. the smaller varieties like French Durango grow well in pots. Plant them apart about 30 cms apart. Marigold will grow in a variety of soil like clay so it not necessary to grow in manure compost. Although a good soil and sunny spot would be ideal for them. Once they get growing they will grow quite huge and will need some support.
The marigold flowers are ready to harvest when they are fully blooming. The more the marigold is harvested the more flowers it will bloom. Freshly harvested marigold flowers also yield nice and strong colors when it comes to fabric dyeing. It will start producing flowers from late spring and throughout the summer season.

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