This blog post is about growing and harvesting coreopsis. Coreopsis is annual or can be a perennial depending on the variety of flowering plants. mostly are grown as annuals. As I love fabric dyeing so I tend to grow plants that be of use for natural dyeing or printing. The leaves yield nice strong yellow colour when printed. Different varieties do produce different colours and different prints on the fabric. There is a variety called coreopsis tinctoria which is sold online. I do work on fabric as well but I have yet to try it.

There is a fair huge variety that comes in different leaf shapes and flowers. Its flowers aren’t bad looking and will brighten up any garden. Though it is not as dramatic in appearances like Canna lily or Dahlias.

Some coreopsis is perennial so it means that it can get thru cold winter frosts and come back again the next year.
Growing and harvesting coreopsis
Coreopsis is normally grown from seeds that can be bought from seed suppliers. Otherwise, just get established young plants from garden centres or online platforms like Etsy or eBay. Sow under and plant when the risk of frosts is over. Grow in sunny well-drained soil. I grow mine in the borders with clay soil and they do ok. I do dig in some manure compost to the clay soil. To protect young plants from slugs and snails. I do use commercial slug pellets as they are so many of them around the coming Spring and summer season. Water regularly and feed it with some tomato feed. It will flourish.

It is ready to harvest when the plant is established. Where it’s got nice strong leaves. Don’t harvest when the plant is young as it needs the young leaves to help it to grow and establish its roots.
Thank you for reading and dropping by. Do have a look at my other growing dye plant/s tips. Here are some of them like growing and harvesting Madder and Japanese indigo.
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