Growing and Harvesting Chop suey Greens

This blog post is on growing and harvesting chop suey greens. Also known as Chopsuey Greens Shungiku or Chrysanthemum coronarium or Garland chrysanthemum. A family of chrysanthemum the flowers of these greens do resemble them. Chop suey greens are easy to grow leafy greens that cook like spinach in stir-fries or soups. In comparison to spinach, chop suey greens still retain its crunchiness after cooking. It also flowers in which it can be eaten as well. It great harvested when young. They make a great substitute for cooked recipes using pak choi during summertime. Here is a link on recipes using pak choi. Pak Choi tends to bolt/ flower easily when grown in the summer. here is a link on growing and harvesting pak choi

growing and harvesting chop suey greens

Growing and harvesting Chop Suey Greens

Getting growing chop suey greens is quite easy all you need to do is to get hold of some seeds. I bought mine online from Seekay Horticultural. Start sowing the seed from March to May and September to October. They germinate easily although in the early months I would sow them indoors in the early months of the season like March and April. It is possible to sow them latter in outdoors as well. However, don’t sow during the hottest weather of the year. As excess heat trigger chop suey greens to flower far too early. It will also change their flavors as well. suddenly from the sweet and herbal flavor of the leaves to bitter unpleasant fibrous texture.

Grow them in a sunny spot in well-drained soil and manure compost. Water them regularly. They are adaptable to many different types of soil. However, if sow in the early summer grows them in shaded areas to prevent them from going to flower early.

Growing and harvesting chop suey greens
Young chop suey greens


Once they mature about 15cm -20 cm in height these young greens can be harvested. Don’t cut them off completely of the ground. Leave about 3-5 cm of the stem off the ground. The greens will quickly grow back easily in about 2-3 weeks time.

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