This is a blog post on growing and harvesting beetroot. Beetroot is an easy to grow rooted vegetable for beginners. Seeds are available at abundance from garden centers. Why grow beetroot? Because beetroot has got exceptional nutrition value. The greens are high in calcium, iron, and vitamin A and C. The roots are are a good source of folic acid, manganese, and potassium. Here is more information on the health benefits of beetroot.
The roots and leaves are edible. The leaves have got a bitter taste but the roots is sweet. There are many culinary uses of beetroot in soups, salads, deep fried into crisps or pickled. They make a lovely vibrant colour when it’s added to soups.

There are many varieties of beetroot. They do come in different colours like vibrant yellow and the classic deep red. Some varieties also have got stripes or line on them.
Beetroot when they are young they are very sensitive to changes in their environment. Don’t like transplantation at all. They just tend to wilt and sometimes die off. Therefore when sowing them try to give it lots of space. As they grow they will harden off.
Growing and harvesting beetroot
To grow beetroot get hold of some seeds from garden centres or online. Beetroot seeds do germinate quickly. So when the weather is warm you don’t need a propagator. Otherwise if it’s down early into the season during February or March you will to sow under covers. Sow under covers means covered with plastic on radiator or propagator. If the seeds are viable it wouldn’t take too long for them to germinate.

Once germinated transfer them to bigger pots or planters for them to grow. They grow well in a sunny spot with well drained compost. Do give beetroot lots of space to grow otherwise there would be nice size roots.
Beetroot is relatively disease-free. Although they do take time to grow. This especially when growing in the early season they can take some time to get growing.
As they grow to feed them with some tomato feed. Protect them from slugs and other pest like squirrels. They will mature into strong leaves and roots.
They are ready to harvest once the roots starts forming into nice decent size (4-5 cm in diameter) is a good homegrown size.
Thank you for dropping by. Have a look at how to grow and harvest other rooted vegetables like Jerusalem artichoke and oca tuberosa.

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