Making gathered ruffles on garments

gathered ruffles dress
gathered ruffles dress

Ever thought something how gathered ruffles on the garments are made? This blog post is on making gathered ruffles on the garments. It may seem easy at one glance but to make ruffles to look good on a garment takes practice.  Read further on how to make gathered ruffles.

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gathered ruffles
on dress

Many ways to make gathered ruffles

There plenty of ways on how ruffles are constructed/ cut on a garment. This makes on how the ruffle looks on the garment. Most ruffles are cut on bias or selvedge. As a result, a straight ruffle seems. Too short of fabric cut or if too much hem is taken up depending on the texture of the fabric it can affect the end result of how it looks on the garment. Soft dress or blouse fabrics will have gentler and soft drape effect on the garment. Compare to firm and thick fabric like wool.

ruffles on sleeve
on sleeve

Also where the ruffle is placed will affect how it looks. In the past, I have placed ruffles on all over the place from hems, necklines to sleeves. A subtle difference in the type of fabric will make a difference in the end result. Even with silk fabrics, there are so many available nowadays. Some silks have drape and flow effect than some.

ruffle blouse
ruffle blouse

Making ruffle

To make ruffle is dead easy. Measure out the exact length of fabric needed. Cut out as instructed. Then using the widest stitch on the sewing machine sew a straight stitch.  You want the widest stitch on the machine as it helps to create the gap that is needed to pull the thread to make a ruffle.

close ruffle on blouse
close up ruffle on blouse

Then just pull one end of the thread making sure the other end still stays there. You can create a ruffle not undo the stitch.

Then you see some gathers/ ruffles and there you are, ruffles are made ready to be stitch onto the garment. Be careful on how you stitch onto the garment as you don’t the ruffle thread sewn stitch to the visible outside. Either hideaway while stitching or remove it after stitching onto the main garment.

Read on my other blog post on sewing with sheer fabrics, invisible hem and so on. a good place to learn on sewing techniques is this one by bluprint. Here is my link for it. Thank you for dropping by.


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