This is a blog post on how to sew a waistband on a skirt. It can be used to sew waistbands of trousers as well. I have previously awhile back made a skirt out of a simple self-draft pleated skirt pattern. Here is the link. I have also made a tweed skirt and trousers with concealed pockets opening that use a waistband. so it is a useful tip to know. It has taken me a while to write a blog post as lately, I have been busy with natural printing fabric instead.

How to sew a waistband
Most sewing patterns come with waistband patterns. So it is easy to follow the pattern’s instructions and you are done. However, not all patterns will fit one body easily as we are all individuals with different sizes and shapes. So before drafting or cutting out the fabric required for the waistband do a trial fit with the sewn skirt and trouser pieces. As sometimes some adjustments will need to be undertaken before proceeding with sewing the waistband. So one might need more material than what is in the pattern. It’s called fitting which most sewers have to do.

Once it’s ok and it fits well. Sew the zip or any openings for the skirt or trousers. Cut the pattern out with seam and buckle or hook and eye allowances. Then iron on the interfacing that will be sandwiched in between the two waistband fabrics. Sew the sides then pin the wrong sides of the waistband (one with iron on facing) and top of the skirt/ trousers together.

Then flip over and sew the waistband in place. If it is too thick then use the hand sewing method. Press in place and sew on the hook and eye.

Thank you for reading dropping by.