This is a blog post on Natural printing on fabric using the ‘dirty pot’ method. I have not long ago tried the ‘dirty pot’ method. As many would know by now my work and blog are moving more toward textile design which is my main passion.
So I have been on social media notably Instagram and learned a few more techniques as a result. The dirty pot technique is made popular by a textile artist based in Ireland called Nicola Brown. An ot of credit in this blog post is based on what I learned and understand from Nicola’s free Youtube video. Here is the link. I am not promoting her products or courses but it’s free. So hey why not.

Eco-printing/ natural printing on fabric using the ‘dirty pot’ method
This technique uses naturally occurring materials so it means not having to buy powders but using metal instead. I was quite taken by surprise at first but trust me it does work. One also needs a slow burner like wood as it’s a slow process. It is not a short quick process like how I use the microwave technique for initial printing experiments.

To start one will need an aluminum pot to create an alum and an iron can or rod. This is the basics of natural printing. Then vinegar creates some chemical reaction. Of course, the fabrics will need to be scoured first. Some onion skins and eucalyptus. That’s it that’s to create a basic ‘dirty pot’ method print. Nicola also recommended the fabrics be prewashed in a neutral soap. I didn’t do that as time is precious to me. However, it is best to scour the fabrics as it will help for natural dyes from foliage to print onto the fabric.

It needs slow heat so best to use an aga or wood burner. I put it like nearly 3-4 hours in order to get the colours out. It is also a trial and error. My initial prints were blurry and some only printed the iron as I was using an old iron ord. i find that old food tin can works best. Vinegar lots of it will help with the chemical reactions and abig pot as it uses submersion rather than damp technique like most natural printing.
Also, one has to be mindful of using aluminium pots as over time the vinegar content will corrode the metal and weaken it. The pot will start leaking and it will not be of use anymore. So although it’s all-natural occurring metals, in the long run, prints in a stainless steel pot might be a better option.
Thank you for reading and dropping by. do have a looka t my other blog posts like eco printing using logwood.