Here is my blog post on how to use smapseed, a free google photo editing app. This photo editing app is only available to use on mobile phone and not on the deskstop. There are many other photo editing app however, I just love using snap seed as it is so easy to use. Other photo editing are Pic monkey, Canva, Photoshop CS and many more. However, all these with exception with Canva are paid subsctiption. Canva has got photo manipulation but limited only filters. Canva is more for creating pins for social media images rather than photo manipulation.
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Why use snapseed?
When I started blogging I have never use any form of photo manipulation. Along the way things change I started spending more time on blogging and social media platforms. Then I started to wonder why my pictures look so flat and don’t stand out compare others. I told myself if I need a DSLR (Digital single Lens Reflect) camera or a better smartphone? I was just using my smartphone to take pictures.
Not nowadays, I use both my Nikon 5600 DSLR and smartphone (iphone SE, I have yet to upgrade to the latest iphone X). Snapseed just helps so much with making pictures look brighter on blogs and on social media (at moment I am pinning lots). The Nikon is a mid range entry camera which I plan to use for making video blogs in the future. Here is my write up comparing the DSLR vs. smartphone camera.
By making images looking brighter and putting more contrast it catches the eye and make your photos stand out from rest of the crowd.
How to use snapseed
To use snapseed it is very easy once you get the hang of it. Trust me it is very straightforward compare to some photo editing apps. One can also use it to erase and touch ups on your photos. Personally I don’t use it much. I know some bloggers do just that.
When you open the app just open a photo that you want to manipulate.
You will come to the presets on the menu. The quickest way to for just to make your pictures brighter with more contrast is to use ‘ Last edits’ at bottom left corner. tap on it and the magic happens. Sometimes the presets is for a picture taken with more light then the presets wouldn’t work as it makes the photo look too bright. This is when you will need to go to TOOLS and do it manually.
There are many tools that one can use in the there. The main ones I use is Crop, Tune Image and Details. The rest I use it every now and then.
I use Tune Image a lot as it just brightens the pictures.
Adjust the bar to how much you would like on the photo. And there you go a quick simple tutorial on how to use Google’s snapseed app. By the way Once you have Google photo app open you can sync the two apps together. Meaning you can open the photos stored on google photo in snapseed app.
![How to use snapseed](
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